Latest News
December 2024
Christmas is fast approaching! We hope many can come to our annual
Christmas Eve Candlelight Service Dec.24 at 6 p.m.
July 2024
It is time for VBS! Our Vacation Bible School is August 5-9 from 6 to 8:15 p.m. The age range is from 5 yrs old and up. To pre-register, please call or text Carol Gunderson at 541.913.4669. You can also email Carol if you prefer at Our theme is Keepers of the Kingdom with a medieval flare! "Standing strong in today's battle for truth, your "knights" will learn how to be a part of God's Kingdom and wear the armor of God. Our Royal Majesty's Kingdom is under attack, and we must prepare for the battle!" We hope to see you for Keepers of the Kingdom!
April 2024
We are starting a new Sermon Series April 21st! No fluff here - this is not a 4 week series and "having a happier life". We are going to begin to study the Bible's Book of origins... Genesis. It is foundational to the entire rest of the Bible, especially chapters 1-11. Without a clear and biblically accurate understanding of those things, you cannot rightly understand the rest of the Bible. Or put it this way, if you get that wrong you will likely misunderstand the rest. TRUTH is not relative and you don't get your own personal truth. Truth is what God has declared!
-Pastor Mike Schellenberg