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“All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness” - 2 Timothy 3:16

The Bible is central to all we do, and all we do is intended to be for God's glory alone. "This" is not about us, it's about Him and for Him. We hold to a clear literal understanding of the Bible and our time in the Bible is the primary element in our services. Our standard is verse by verse teaching through the Bible, providing explanation and application. We don't just want people to "know more" we expect lives to change as we are exposed to biblical truth!
You can find us at 6364 Main Street in Springfield. Service begins at 10:45 Sunday mornings. 

Welcome Message from our Pastor!

I hope you enjoyed our little welcome video attempt! You can also learn more about what a service looks like by watching some of our videos on our youtube channel. Best of all, of course... we'd love to have you show up and join us for a service in person!

- Pastor Mike

Church Activities

We are not as "busy" as some churches out there in our regular weekly/monthly activities, but we hope that we are making up in quality what we are perhaps lacking in quantity! Of course you can take a look at different tabs at the top of the home page to see some of what we do have. Also, please check here, where you may occasionally find current things more specifically mentioned - that is if I remember to post them!

Upcoming Events

Small Groups and Ladies Bible studies happen weekly
Latest Sermons (the latest will be on Youtube, search Thurston Community Baptist Church)

A Sample message from last year 


Latest News

December 2024

Christmas is fast approaching! We hope many can come to our annual

Christmas Eve Candlelight Service Dec.24 at 6 p.m.

July 2024

It is time for VBS! Our Vacation Bible School is August 5-9 from 6 to 8:15 p.m. The age range is from 5 yrs old and up. To pre-register, please call or text Carol Gunderson at 541.913.4669. You can also email Carol if you prefer at Our theme is Keepers of the Kingdom with a medieval flare! "Standing strong in today's battle for truth, your "knights" will learn how to be a part of God's Kingdom and wear the armor of God. Our Royal Majesty's Kingdom is under attack, and we must prepare for the battle!" We hope to see you for Keepers of the Kingdom!

April 2024

We are starting a new Sermon Series April 21st! No fluff here - this is not a 4 week series and "having a happier life". We are going to begin to study the Bible's Book of origins... Genesis. It is foundational to the entire rest of the Bible, especially chapters 1-11. Without a clear and biblically accurate understanding of those things, you cannot rightly understand the rest of the Bible. Or put it this way, if you get that wrong you will likely misunderstand the rest. TRUTH is not relative and you don't get your own personal truth. Truth is what God has declared!

-Pastor Mike Schellenberg

Aug 2023

If you are following the events of our times, you know that the world is in steep decline. You may feel that America is headed for a cliff and may not survive... and you could be right. When you see what is happening around the world and how it is affecting the U.S., it does look like we won't recover. Our nation is being destroyed by inflation, crime, rioting, radical agendas, political strife, government overreach and on the list goes. Shadowy characters seem to be pulling the strings of the nations to reduce freedoms and opportunities... it seems they really do want to have us under their control. Much more could be listed, but let me say this - the Bible does speak to these times and it does tell us what is to come! We talk about those sorts of things here. Look - there is a conspiracy and it's not a theory. The Bible makes it clear that Satan is the God of this world and he IS pulling the strings of those who are causing so much harm. The powerful elites are themselves pawns of  Satan the deceiver. But God is sovereign and these things have to happen. Things are falling into place for what we read in the book of Revelation to come true. But we are called to live in faith not fear (see verses like Joshua 1:9 or John 14:27). So we talk about these things here in light of Biblical prophecy and seek to understand practical ways we can prepare for what's to come if America is taken down before we see the Rapture. We don't live in easy times, but we live in important times, even prophetic times perhaps. So again, if you are looking for answers to what is going on come join us, we can talk about all that. The most important thing for you to understand though is that you need to get in a right relationship with God - SOON. This is not about a particular religion. I'm not a fan of religion to be honest. It's about admitting that there is a God, the Bible is true, and that you have broken God's laws. This is called sin and it means that you are headed for hell after your life here is over. But God loves you and doesn't want you there, so he sent his Son Jesus Christ - fully God and fully Man, to die on the cross for your sins so you could have eternal life in heaven. God has done all that needs to be done for you to be saved - but this "gift" is just sitting there until you truly receive and open it. You must BELIEVE that Jesus is the only way to heaven and surrender your life to God, obey him and live for him daily. There are multiple verses for ALL of this. The only way to not just survive but thrive in the times we live is to accept Christ as your Savior and be "born again". There is NO decision in life that is more important than this. 

July 2023

We have loved seeing many new faces around here (though we love the old faces too!) But parking has become a challenge. Happily, we are well on our way to adding another 2 dozen spaces behind the buildings! We hope to see this project completed this Fall. Special giving to help pay for the project would be much appreciated.

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