September 23, 2018
This week, we start a new series of Following Jesus in the Gospel of John.
September 30, 2018
This week, we continue the series of Following Jesus in the Gospel of John. Focus on Jn.1:1-3... Is Jesus really God?
October 7, 2018
This week we want to understand what John says about Jesus being light and life. Then we compare light and dark. Powerful words.
October 14, 2018
In wk 4 here, we are introduced to John the Baptist and we talk about the amazing realities of being adopted by God and being born into his family. We become royalty!
October 21, 2018
This week we spend our time on v.14 as we study the God who became man and the man who was still God!
October 28, 2018
Today we spend the bulk of our time understanding the incredible truth about what we deserve (death) and what we get (grace upon grace) in v.16
November 4, 2018
This week we finish the intro section as we discuss "seeing God". Then, we begin the narrative as we look at the humility and intentionality of John the Baptist.
November 11, 2018
Today we look at two consecutive days when John the Baptist is pointing out Jesus as the Lamb of God. And we see Jesus' first activity in this book of John.
November 18, 2018
Today as we finish Jn.1 we look at the calling of Philip and Nathanael. In the midst of that we get to talk about omniscience! God and Jesus KNOW you and LOVE you!
November 25, 2018
We look at Jesus' first miracle, answer some of the obvious questions and see an interesting contrast with Moses' first miracle.
December 2, 2018
This time we study Jesus "cleansing the temple." Are we keeping the main things the main things?
December 9, 2018
We open up ch.3 as we begin to look at Jesus and Nicodemus. And we find some good points about evangelism!
December 16, 2018
We finish the conversation with Nicodemus including looking at arguably the most famous verse in the whole Bible!
December 30, 2018
We are back in Jn.3 for the end of the year and John the Baptist returns. Here we find an opportunity to talk about growth and competing ministries. And a little New Year challenge mixed in.
January 6, 2019
We finish ch.3 today!
January 13, 2019
Still in ch.4 we look at how many folks were just looking for entertainment, not the Truth - parallels to today? Then, we see the patience and compassion of Jesus in the healing of the official's son. Good lessons for us all.
January 20, 2019
Still in ch.4 we look at how many folks were just looking for entertainment, not the Truth - parallels to today? Then, we see the patience and compassion of Jesus in the healing of the official's son. Good lessons for us all.
January 27, 2019
We begin ch.5 this time as we continue to see the deity of Jesus in the healing of the man at the pool of Bethesda. Of note... the power of a simple question!
February 3, 2019
We wrap up ch.5 as we see the deity of Jesus.
February 10, 2019
A very well known miracle is the subject as we move in to ch.6. Are you settling for very little when Jesus is offering so much?
February 17, 2019
Chasing after Jesus after his miracles of feeding the masses and walking on water. Sorry about the pdf, our recording failed this week.
March 17, 2019
This time we see one of the hardest of Jesus' teachings for people to take in back then. Eat me/drink me? We must!
March 24, 2019
As we start ch.7 we begin a new teaching from Jesus.
April 7, 2019
Continuing to look at Jesus' teaching... can you do anything "good" on your own? John 7 provides an answer.
April 14, 2019
Continuing to look at Jesus' teaching... can you do anything "good" on your own? John 7 provides an answer.
April 28, 2019
In Jn.8 Jesus shares that abiding in his word will set us FREE. From what? Let's find out.
May 5, 2019
Sorry we missed the beginning! As we finish ch.8 Jesus continues to confront the religious leaders and ends the chapter with one of the greatest declarations of his deity.
May 12, 2019
Into Jn.9 this week... Is all suffering the result of sin? What does "willful unbelief look like"? What keeps you from embracing truth?
May 19, 2019
Today, Jesus seeks and finds the man born blind. Thank God he has kept doing that! Then Jesus speaks of the "bad shepherds" and goes on in ch.10 to present himself as the "good shepherd".
May 26, 2019
In Jn.10 Jesus talks about no one snatching his sheep (believers) out of his or the Father's hand. Think we can teach about something here? Ohhh yeah! How about the subject of whether or not you can lose your salvation?
June 2, 2019
We finish Jn.10 as Jesus catches the Pharisees off guard twice. Then we talk about ways that people come to salvation... some thoughts on sharing the gospel!
June 9, 2019
Into ch.11 this week and the account about Lazarus and his sisters Martha and Mary... Jesus loved them so much that he let Lazarus die and his sisters suffer for 4 days. Confused? There is an answer for this and it's one we all need to hear!
June 16, 2019
Into ch.11 this week and the account about Lazarus and his sisters Martha and Mary... Jesus loved them so much that he let Lazarus die and his sisters suffer for 4 days. Confused? There is an answer for this and it's one we all need to hear!
June 23, 2019
Today we delve into the question of what caused Jesus to cry in the account of Lazarus. Some of the words we find there may not mean what you think they mean. In a book about the deity of Jesus we get a strong view of his humanity.
June 30, 2019
As we wrap up the account of Lazarus, we focus on a stunning miracle, an unknown prophecy, and even spend a little time talking about where Lazarus was (and where we go) after death.
July 7, 2019
As we move into ch.12 we spend our time looking at Mary's extravagant gift of love to Jesus. What can we learn about how we relate to God?
July 14, 2019
Is someone trying to kill you? A question to ask yourself as we go through this weeks sermon.
July 21, 2019
The Triumphal Entry in Jn.12... what kind of Jesus are you looking for?
July 28, 2019
Sorry but we only have the second half of the message! Is it right to hate your life? How do we hold on to life lightly and rightly?
August 4, 2019
Today we see Jesus' profound determination to follow God's will rather than his own. How much do WE pattern ourselves after Jesus in this area?
August 11, 2019
Jesus gives his take on what is about to happen as he talks about the defeat of Satan and the world and then we look at what Jesus means when he says he will draw all people to himself - will everyone get to heaven someday?
August 18, 2019
We continue to look at the give/take.
September 15, 2019
Ending Jn.12 we examine Jesus' "out of place" statement and then go on to talk about The Judge at the "last day". Does Jesus judge us or not?
September 22, 2019
We begin ch.13 this week and look at a shocking object lesson from Jesus... what does it mean to be great?
September 29, 2019
Our 2nd week in John 13 we have a special emphasis on Jesus' hidden lesson on eternal security and personal holiness.
October 6, 2019
The betrayal of Judas helps us to understand Christ's love for us in a fresh way... this should increase our love and desire to serve and obey!
October 13, 2019
This time in Jn.13 we look at Jesus changing perspective, and his soon to change location. Then we study the New Commandment! Definite implications here for us today.
October 20, 2019
In Jn.13-14 today we can learn a lesson from Peter's self-reliance as we end 13 and another lesson about the comfort of heaven as we begin ch.14. What sorts of thoughts sustain you when you are going through the hard things of life?
October 27, 2019
This week in Jn.14 we study Jesus' statement that HE is the way, the only way, to heaven. How does the world often view these things?
November 3, 2019
In Jn.14 Jesus makes another great statement, this time just to the apostles, about his deity. Then he moves to a fairly shocking statement about their works to come will be greater than the works that he has done!
November 10, 2019
This time in Jn.14 Jesus encourages his apostles with a statement on prayer. Question - is Jesus just like the Genie in Aladdin? What does it mean when he says he'll give them anything they pray for?
November 17, 2019
The big deal this time is that Jesus begins to teach them about the coming Holy Spirit! Prior to that we have a brief but critical statement... obedience is the measuring stick of love for God!
November 24, 2019
In Jn.14 we are continuing to look at Jesus' teaching on the Holy Spirit. Do you want to be indwelt?
December 1, 2019
Continuing in Jn.14 and the upper room discourse... are the disciples brothers or little kids to Jesus and what that can teach us about God. Also, would Jesus still be with them even though he's going away?
December 8, 2019
This time in Jn.14 we find that obedience is key in the "family relationship" we enjoy with the Trinity. Second, we talk about how the Holy Spirit led the writers of the New Testament, and then we connect those 2 things together!
December 15, 2019
Today in Jn.14 we are all about PEACE! Jesus makes a classic statement about his peace and we define it, see what His peace looks like and compare it to the world's version of peace (hint - the world is pretty messed up in this area!)
January 5, 2020
New Year, same passage! You ever have "sour grapes" about someone's blessings? Want to know the antidote? Jesus shares it here in Jn.14:28.
January 12, 2020
From Jesus' last comments in the Upper Room, we get a chance to talk about false prophecy and whether or not Satan has a claim on US.
January 19, 2020
Missed the beginning, sorry, but this week we get into John15 and begin to look at Jesus' vine and branches metaphor. What does it mean to be a dead branch that is cut off and burned? It's not a comfortable answer.
January 26, 2020
What does Jesus mean in Jn.15 when he says the Father prunes us? Is that a good or a bad thing? What sort of things does he prune away? Good questions!
February 2, 2020
Pastor Mike's take on "abiding in Christ"... what it means, what are the results and how do you abide?
February 9, 2020
Two ends of the spectrum today in Jn.15. First we revisit the command to love with some new input from Jesus. And then we look at the Hatred the world will have for us who chose to follow Christ. Sobering...
February 16, 2020
This time in John we look at what can happen when you start talkin' 'bout Jesus, about God's grace in changing us bit by bit, and how to activate your Spirit upgrade!
February 23, 2020
A challenging passage to understand in some ways - what did Jesus mean when he said the Holy Spirit will convict the world of sin and righteousness and judgment?
March 1, 2020
What does this mean for you?
March 8, 2020
In Jn.16 we find some additional teaching from Jesus on prayer... a change was coming in how to approach the Father! Do you think sometimes that God doesn't hear your prayers? He may not if... But also some prayers that God always says YES to!
March 15, 2020
This time we finish ch.16 and then begin to look at Christ's "high priestly prayer" in Jn.17. What a prayer!
April 5, 2020
Summary coming soon but the audio works.
April 12, 2020
Summary coming soon.
April 19, 2020
Summary coming soon
May 3, 2020
Summary coming soon.
May 10, 2020
Summary coming soon.
May 17, 2020
Summary coming soon.
May 24, 2020
Summary coming soon.